Monday, December 6, 2010


i've had a bit of a fascination with birds for my whole life.  because they are awesome.  first of all, they can fly.  second of all, they can sing.  third of all, sometimes they fly around in packs doing astounding aeronautic routines in perfect sync.  all things i greatly respect and aspire to be able to do.

my parents called me Lark when i was a baby because i was always chirping.  when i was 4 i asked for a pair of binoculars and a book of birds for christmas so i could wander off into salt lake's unbridled wilds and find them in their natural habitats.  i enjoyed this practice so much i asked santa for a pet bird the next year (her name was Happy and i thought she was a boy for 5 years until "he" laid an egg...).

i think birds are lovely and graceful and very often overlooked.  so i look for them.  they crop up in the oddest places sometimes, like poems.  emily dickinson's poem "hope" to be precise.  it begins, "hope is the thing with feathers/ that perches in the soul".  i loved it immediately.  because hope and birds are so alike, small and singing and winged, able to brighten days, and frequently forgotten amongst the more impressive principles and animals.

i'm sure emily had no idea when she was writing these words that they were destined to be stolen by me and used for my blog title.  but i think wherever she is, she's pretty excited about it.  that's why writers write, right?  so that their genius can be looted an pilfered and used again and again?  i know that's why i'm writing this.  so, whether you're a word thief or a bird lover or one of my friends that i told i was starting a blog and practically forced into reading this, my blog and i are glad to know you and hope you stick around for more.


  1. Lark, I love it. I wonder what name i can make out of boots and lark for you

  2. Did you ever hear the story of when Camon's mom (Uncle Matt's big sister) accidentally slammed their bird in the screen door and it's head fell off? If not, please aks him.

  3. I'm excited about your blog Katie!

  4. Katie, I am confused. I thought that ever since you were little you loved dog rattlers. I guess a blog titled "hope is the thing with scales/fur" does not have the same ring.

  5. Lark in the Clear Air

    "Dear thoughts are in my mind
    And my soul soars enchanted
    As I hear the sweet lark sing
    In the clear air of the day.
    For a tender beaming smile
    To my hope has been granted
    And tomorrow she shall hear
    All my fond heart would say.

    I shall tell her all my love
    And my soul's adoration
    And I think she will hear me
    And will not say me nay.
    It is this that gives my soul
    All its joyous elation
    As I hear the sweet lark sing
    In the clear air of the day."

    Though this is not the best version of the song.. the combo with Harry Potter was too good to pass up...
