Monday, March 7, 2011

dear march, you are a player.

you make me believe that you are bringing warmth and light into my life after surviving months and months of grey and cold.  i know i shouldn't trust you.  i know you are dangerous.  i know that every time you come around (which is yearly) you break my heart.  you get my hopes up.  i see all sorts of hidden potential in you, sunny days on grassy knolls surrounded by budding flowers, baby bunnies, and chirping birds.  you could be so, so many good things that i want to be a part of.  and then, you snow.  you take all of my dreams and you burry them under 6 inches of freezing white fluff and with them my heart and my love.  i should learn my lesson.  i should quit you.  i should stop believing that my devotion and my faith could change you and make you into the steady and dependably sunny spring month that you should be.  but i won't.  because after this snowstorm, you will show me a glimpse of spring, and that will make me fall for you over and over again.  and when you've passed and gone, i will fall for april, an even bigger gamer than you.


what i want:

what i got:


  1. march has played us time and time again. look at that puppy. i love baby animals...reminds me of SF.;)

  2. That's how I feel about summer here.
